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Sermon Illustrations about Quiet time

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Quiet time to help bring your sermon to life.

Sleep Cleans Your Brain

Have you ever wondered what happens in your brain while you sleep? A good night's sleep does more than just help you feel rested; it might literally ...

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The Whispering Gallery

Hidden acoustic wonders called “whispering walls” have awed listeners since ancient times. The field of “archaeo-acoustics” studies ...

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How Multitasking Messes with Your Prayer Life

An article on the website First Things advocates one simple way to improve your prayer life—stop multitasking. David Ousley writes:

Multitasking ...

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Rushing Through a Shallow Life

Religious and non-religious people alike think that many people are living shallow and superficial lives. They have noticed that many are rushing through ...

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The Curse of Being Over-Connected

Sociologist Dalton Conley shares a story about backpacking through Europe when he was 18. He writes, “I had no iPhone. ... I couldn't Google. ...

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The Sprinter Who Held Fast

Eric Liddell took his starting spot in the finals for the 400 meters. More than 6,000 paying spectators filled the stadium on that warm Friday night in ...

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Kids Learn to Tune Out Noise

If you are heading into Manhattan off the George Washington Bridge, you can't miss the cluster of four 32-story apartment buildings built right over ...

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Child Walked 20 Miles to Obtain a Bible

Mary Jones was about eight-years-old when she became a Christian. Having learned to read, she wanted to own a Bible in her native Welsh language. But ...

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Are Hypnotic YouTube Edits Getting Old?

There’s a particular trend that has come to dominate videos on social media. It’s called “retention editing,” because of its ability ...

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Where Do Americans Pray and Why?

A recent survey asked Americans what they pray for and where do they pray? The replies showed that they pray for:

Families (51%)

Friends (41%)

Spouses (31%)

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