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Sermon Illustrations about Relationship

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Relationship to help bring your sermon to life.

During the LA Fires, Chinese Christians Prayed for Us

In an issue of CT magazine, E.F. Gregory shares the following story of how a persecuted pastor in China prayed for her during the devastating fires in ...

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Are You Listening to Me?

Hearing is a vastly underrated sense. Studies have shown that visual recognition requires a significant fraction of a second per event. But hearing is ...

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The Deal-Sealing Moment for Happy Couples

Every real-life love story has a beginning of how they met, but the important part is when you realize that this is the person you want to spend the rest ...

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Turn Discarded Bread into Baking Hack

Shifrah Combiths, a freelance writer and mother-of-five in Tallahassee, Florida, wrote about a baking hack for the website The Kitchn that was so valuable ...

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Teen Cannabis Use Causes Later Life Problems

Two researchers from New Zealand set out to study “Cannabis Use and Later Life Outcomes.” They published the results of their research in ...

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Dating Apps Promote Confusion on Commitment

As if online dating wasn’t hard enough, now users have to sift through profiles looking for increasingly expansive definitions of what it means ...

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Stop Swiping, Start Settling

Married people average 30 percentage points more happy than unmarried Americans. So, there’s a lot at stake when one swipes left or right. In an ...

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Are Teens Hooked on AI Friends?

Fifteen-year-old Aaron was going through a dark time at school. He’d fallen out with his friends, leaving him feeling isolated and alone.

At the ...

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A Million Gen Zers Reject Digital Dating

Online dating is so last year.

According to a report, popular dating apps have seen a major dip in usage in 2024, with Tinder losing 600,000 Gen Z users, ...

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Is Social Media Hurting Marriages?

Melissa Kearney, author of The Two-Parent Privilege offered the following observation on X:

I gave another talk about the Two Parent Privilege to college ...

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