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Sermon Illustrations about Relativism

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Relativism to help bring your sermon to life.

Gen Z Is Kissing Monogamy Goodbye

Generation Z isn’t convinced monogamy is the best relationship structure, and more than half of them are considering relationship styles long considered ...

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Slobbing Out, Giving Up, And Going ‘Goblin Mode’

At some point in the stretch of days between the start of the pandemic’s third year and the feared launch of World War III, a new phrase entered ...

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M.I.T. Professor’s Experience with Transcendence

Physicist Alan Lightman is a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is known for specializing in the intersection between science, philosophy, ...

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Jesus Is the Only Savior

In his book, Rick Mattson writes:

I’m not the one making the exclusive claim about salvation—Jesus is. He is the one who said, “I am ...

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Big Tech’s Crisis of Conscience

The Esalen Institute is a retreat center founded in 1962 and is a three-hour drive south of San Francisco. In the 1960’s this is where Aldous Huxley ...

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There are Rules, Even if You Don’t Know Them

You don’t have to “know” a rule to know that you should be following it. Take, for example, the rule of ablaut reduplication. Chances ...

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Calvin and Hobbes ask 'How Good is Good Enough?'

Fleming Rutledge writes: Sin is a category without meaning except in reference to God. A Calvin and Hobbes comic strip illustrates this in an endearing ...

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How All Cultures Can Domesticate the Gospel

The British theologian Leslie Newbigin told the following story to illustrate how different cultures water down the claims of Jesus:

When I was a young ...

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How to Make God's Clear Words Ambiguous

Lee Strobel uses the following illustration to highlight the moral rebellion that makes clear truths of Scripture much more ambiguous than they are.

Imagine ...

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Americans Don't Like Discussing Religion

A summary of a report from Pew Research Center, "religion [seems] to be a subject many people avoid. About half of U.S. adults tell us they seldom (33%) ...

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