Sermon Illustrations about Rescue
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Rescue to help bring your sermon to life.
Police Officers Abuse Vulnerable Teens
An official investigation by The Washington Post has revealed a troubling trend of officers committing sexual abuse upon minors in their custody, many ...
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Mud Miracle: Ring Found After Tornado
When a tornado hit Lamar County, Texas, Dakota Hudson and Lauren Patterson feared they would not survive. Hudson said, “We could feel the house ...
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Former NFL Receiver Intervenes During Elderly Assault
During Braylon Edwards’ career playing receiver in college and the NFL, he lived with a heightened sense of spatial awareness and kinetic readiness. ...
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Rare Jordans in Donation Bin Auctioned for Charity
When James Free looked inside the donation bin, he saw something that he normally sees: a pair of shoes. Free was volunteering with Portland Rescue Mission, ...
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She Nearly Jumped from Bridge, Now She Helps Others
A woman in Sunderland, England nearly leapt to her death from in 2018 from Wearmouth Bridge, very well known as a place where people come to end their ...
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Runner Performs CPR During Half-Marathon
The biggest concern for Dr. Steve Lome before starting the Monterey Bay Half Marathon along the California coast was being able to keep up with his teenage ...
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Christmas Spirit Enfolds Tourists During Blizzard
Traveling from Niagara Falls to Washington D.C., a tour group of 10 South Koreans got stuck driving in a blizzard near Buffalo. Two of the group went ...
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Unlikely Friends Bonded by Trauma Survival
A post-traumatic bond between strangers has led to an enduring friendship across generations. At the start of the day on August 28th, 2022, Travis Connor ...
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City Restricts Access to Sea Lions
The San Diego City Council has unanimously voted to restrict public access to Point La Jolla and Boomer Beach, a popular sea lion rookery, in an effort ...
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Passengers Rescued from Dangling Cable Car
A routine Tuesday morning in a remote mountain village turned into a harrowing ordeal as a cable car malfunction left eight passengers, including schoolchildren, ...
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