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Sermon Illustrations about Rescue

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Rescue to help bring your sermon to life.

Shackleton Prioritized Scripture in the Antarctic

Ernest Shackleton is famous for leading the voyage of the Endurance and her crew to the Antarctic, and despite cataclysmic failure, leading his men out ...

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Lincoln Cared for Three Kittens at the Battlefront

Near the end of the Civil War, there was a touching scene that showed the gentleness and tenderness of President Abraham Lincoln. While he was visiting ...

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No Other Explanation Than God’s Grace

In an issue of Christianity Today, Glenn Pearson shares the story of his journey to faith:

You’re probably familiar with the popular arcade game ...

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A Relational Example of Rescuing the Lost

Author Nijay Gupta recounts the 1965-1966 story of a group of six boys who ran away from their homeland of Tonga.

The young boys stole a boat and headed ...

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Drone Hobbyist Discovers SUV in Sinkhole

When amateur drone pilot Josh Logue launched a routine flight, he expected to find unusually high stream waters from an unexpectedly heavy rainfall. What ...

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Hero Cowboy Rescues Steer from Freeway

When officers from the Michigan State Police (MSP) were asked to provide traffic control for a recent incident, they didn’t know they were signing ...

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Sister Saves Brother in Lunchtime Scare

Twelve-year-old Amelia Loverme hadn’t received any formalized training when she saw her twin brother Charlie in need of medical intervention. But ...

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Dumpster Diving Bear Surprises School Principal

When Principal James Marsh arrived at Zela Elementary School in rural Summersville on a Monday morning, he had no reason for alarm. Everything looked ...

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A Sweet, Soft Voice Saved His Life

Eduardo Rocha shares his dramatic testimony in an issue of CT magazine:

It was March 13, 1986, I was all alone and getting high. But I had also gotten ...

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Drone Helps Save Man Who Has Cardiac Arrest

A 71-year-old Swedish man was in his driveway shoveling snow in the Swedish city of Trollhättan, when he suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. Normally, ...

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