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Sermon Illustrations about Responsibility

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Responsibility to help bring your sermon to life.

Police Departments Reined in by Insurer Ultimatums

According to a report in the Washington Post, the most influential voices in police reform aren’t necessarily politicians or even other police officers. ...

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Young Adults Need 8 Warning Lights to Take Car into Shop

Six in 10 Gen Zers and Millennials have a complicated relationship—with their cars. A recent survey of Gen Z and Millennial car owners reveals that ...

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Citizens Encouraged to Evaluate Police

Police officer Chris Ford tries to be courteous in all of the interactions he has with citizens during his shifts on traffic patrol. All of Ford’s ...

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True Love Places Limits on Our Freedom

In his book Making Sense of God, Tim Keller notes that when the national anthem is sung at sporting events, the cheering begins on the line “o’er ...

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Quit Lying to Yourself

No one wants to be seen as a liar. Liars are considered untrustworthy. And yet, we are perfectly content to lie to ourselves all the time. “I’ll ...

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Man Steals Car and Is Hit by Train

When Bradford Weitzel left a bar recently, he was having difficulty locating his car. Most responsible individuals might consider such a development as ...

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Pedestrian Deaths Rising from Tank-Sized Vehicles

Reporter Melissa Daniels was walking across the street to cover a council meeting at City Hall when she was struck by a white SUV. The impact knocked ...

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NBA Announcer Mortified by Hurtful Mix-Up

On-air announcer Glenn Consor was doing what he’s paid to do at an NBA game: giving off-the-cuff commentary to the events as they unfolded. But ...

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Weaker Brothers and Sisters and Booze

According to Lifeway research, among Protestants with evangelical beliefs who attend church monthly or more:

74% agree Christians drinking alcohol can ...

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4 Times as Many Canadians Died from Abortion as COVID

Official estimates are that approximately 30,000 Canadians died from COVID over the last 18 months (Editor’s Note: article was written in 10/21.). ...

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