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Sermon Illustrations about Responsibility

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Responsibility to help bring your sermon to life.

‘Kidults’ Buying Nostalgia to Relive Childhood

Do you ever find yourself reminiscing over your favorite childhood toys or memories? A new survey reveals that four in five Americans may be “kidults”—still ...

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Churches Are Where the Unborn Are People

Cicero said, “The thing itself cannot be praised. Only its potential.” He was talking about young children. Such was the view in the Empire ...

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More Babies Born After Dobbs Decision

Betty Hodge knows what it’s like to have an unplanned pregnancy. And she knows what it’s like to have the father of the unborn child push ...

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Americans Have $21 Billion in Unspent Gift Cards

Some people love them, some people hate them. Worse, a large number of us who receive them on special occasions are indifferent to them, or even forget ...

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Medical Group Details Negative Impact of Alcohol

The following was taken from a newsletter for a medical group, not a Christian organization:

Do you indulge in a glass of wine every now and then? You ...

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Experts Concerned About Chatbots Making Stuff Up

Gerrit De Vynck wrote a story in The Washington Post about how artificial intelligences respond to the errors they make.

Citing a recent MIT research paper, ...

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Science Reveals the Humanity of the Unborn Child

Can fetuses (or unborn children) really feel pain and experience a human connection with other humans? New scientific research provides a mass of evidence ...

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One in Five US Pregnancies Was Aborted In 2020

Newly-released figures (June, 2022) show that one-fifth of all US pregnancies were aborted in 2020, with 930,160 terminations taking place over the course ...

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Cowardly Men Love Abortion

In late 2021, a young man by the name of Kaivan Shroff published an article entitled, “Men like me benefit from safe abortion access.” By ...

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Sheep Really Do Need a Shepherd

A sheep named Baarack received a much-needed shearing after rescuers in Australia found the abandoned animal with more than 75 pounds of wool weighing ...

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