Sermon Illustrations about Resurrection of Christ
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Resurrection of Christ to help bring your sermon to life.
The ‘Easter Effect’ and How it Changed the World
In a Wall Street Journalarticle, George Weigel gives a combination history lesson and apologetic for the Resurrection:
There is no accounting for the rise ...
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The Harmony of the Gospels is like Reporters at Sports Event
In his book, Faith Is Like Skydiving, Rick Mattson illustrates the reliability of the gospel accounts of Jesus’ life and resurrection by drawing ...
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One Luxury the Wealthiest Are Determined to Buy—At Any Cost
In the last 100 years, advances in medicine have been adding two years to the average life expectancy every decade. But apparently, for many people, this ...
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The Resurrection Makes Christianity the Most Irritating Religion on Earth
We should be more sympathetic to our skeptical friends. The resurrection makes Christianity the most irritating religion on the face of the earth, and ...
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Can a Scholar Believe in the Resurrection?
Can a classical scholar believe in Jesus? Lindsay Whaley, professor of mathematics and linguistics at Dartmouth University, certainly thinks so. Whaley ...
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Muslim College Student Explains Why He Follows Jesus
There was once a Muslim college student who came to believe in Jesus Christ. One of his friends was shocked and asked him, “Why did you become a ...
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The Resurrection is Based on Objective Facts not Personal Opinion
Jesus’ resurrection either happened or it didn't. It is objective reality; and so it cannot be true for one person and false for another. To ...
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Hope Is an Essential Part of Life
Humans seek after hope like moths seek after light. It’s intrinsic to who we are. Neuroscientists Tali Sharot argues hope is so essential to our ...
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Long Tradition of Scientists Who Believe in the Resurrection
Dr. Ian Hutchinson, a professor of nuclear science and engineering at MIT, explains why he and his Christian colleagues at MIT believe in a literal, bodily, ...
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Skeptical Disciples Did Not Hallucinate a Resurrected Jesus
In his book “Unbelievable” Justin Brierley asks:
Were the disciples just hallucinating that they saw the resurrected Jesus? Hallucinations ...
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