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Sermon Illustrations about Reward

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Reward to help bring your sermon to life.

Airline Customers Crave Elite Status Rewards

Bonnie Crawford was in danger of missing a connecting flight for a board meeting last week when a United Airlines customer-service rep saved the day. ...

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Gambling Away Our Lives

The cacophony of slot machines, dice rolls, and card shuffles is what usually comes to mind when people think of gambling. The more pervasive way to gamble ...

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Small Coins Put Together Add Up to a Treasure

At a waste-management facility in Morrisville, Pa., workers load incinerated trash into industrial machinery that separates and sorts metals, then sends ...

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The Rats that Love Taking Selfies

Augustin Lignier, a photographer in Paris, created a photo booth for rats. He took inspiration from B.F. Skinner, the famous researcher who made The Skinner ...

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The Addictive Nature of Kindness

Kindness can be addictive and one small gesture can start a chain reaction of kindness according to readers of The Wall Street Journal who have written ...

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Billionaire Secretly Gives Away Fortune

Charles Feeney was raised by working-class parents who struggled during the Depression to pay a $32 monthly mortgage. He served in the Air Force and got ...

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A Hero of Midway Finally Got His Due

Though he played a vital role in the U.S. victory over Japan in World War II, Navy Capt. Joseph Rochefort and his heroics long went unrecognized. Rochefort, ...

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Army Vet Gets Reward—80 Years Later

In June 2022, 97-year-old William Kellerman finally got the medal the army failed to give him 80 years earlier. Mr. Kellerman was 18 years old when he ...

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Jesus Transforms Our Wishful Thinking

In CT magazine, author and podcaster Jen Wilkins writes:

It was a typical Friday night at the Wilkin house. A spontaneous dinner had collected a growing ...

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Professor Put Clues to Cash Prize in Syllabus

Kenyon Wilson, a professor at the University of Tennessee, wanted to test whether any of his students fully read the syllabus for his music seminar. Of ...

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