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Sermon Illustrations about Sacrificial love

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Sacrificial love to help bring your sermon to life.

The Deal-Sealing Moment for Happy Couples

Every real-life love story has a beginning of how they met, but the important part is when you realize that this is the person you want to spend the rest ...

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Stop Swiping, Start Settling

Married people average 30 percentage points more happy than unmarried Americans. So, there’s a lot at stake when one swipes left or right. In an ...

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Missionary Martyrs Chose Not to ‘Cut and Run’

From boyhood, Davy Lloyd dreamed of nothing else but dedicating his life to the orphanage his parents had operated in Haiti since 2000.

He had grown up ...

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A Path to Faith: The Hubble View

Author Philip Yancey writes:

Where I live in the Rocky Mountains, you can see several thousand stars with the naked eye on a clear night. All of them belong ...

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Player Donates Scholarship to Teammate

Offensive line, Zack Conti, made it onto the Eastern Michigan University football team as a “walk-on,” meaning without a scholarship. Head ...

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Actor Jeremy Renner Risked His Life to Save Nephew

Actor Jeremy Renner said he would risk getting run over by a snowplow again to save his nephew. Renner said, “I’d do it again, because it ...

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Father Describes ‘Heavy Joy’ of Daughter with Disabilities

In his book Hinge Moments, college president D. Michael Lindsay shares about the birth of his oldest daughter, Elizabeth. They quickly knew something ...

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The Dignity of Diapering a Baby

Pastor Bryan Chapell writes in his recent book Grace at Work:

My musician wife, Kathy, talks about a time that she was chang­ing a particularly yucky ...

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1 In 6 Haven’t Sent Mom a Gift in a Year!

Did you drop the ball this Mother’s Day and forget to pick up a gift for your mom? You’re not alone. A new survey has found that one in six ...

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How Do You Measure Love?

In the fall of 1937, Ed Keefer was a senior in the school of engineering at the University of Toledo in Ohio. Tall, slender, and bespectacled, Keefer ...

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