Sermon Illustrations about Sanctification
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Sanctification to help bring your sermon to life.
The Supernatural Use for Suffering
“The extreme greatness of Christianity lies in the fact that it does not seek a supernatural remedy for suffering but a supernatural use for it.” ...
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Holding Hands with Sorrow and Suffering
The book Hinds Feet on High Places is a parable, a modern allegory similar to Pilgrim’s Progress. But instead of dealing with the overall Christian ...
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Jesus' Resurrection Is the Beginning of God's New Project
N.T. Wright said:
“Jesus' resurrection is the beginning of God's new project, not to snatch people away from earth but to colonize earth ...
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High School Freshmen ‘Translate’ the Beatitudes
Dr. Emily McGowin, assistant professor of theology, at Wheaton College writes:
When I taught high school, one of my favorite assignments was having my ...
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The Benefit of Tears
In Christianity Today, Al Hsu writes:
Encouraged by a 25 percent-off coupon given to me by a friend, I went ahead and had [laser eye] surgery [to correct ...
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Man Receives First 3D Printed Tibia Replacement
Surgeons in Australia, in 2017, successfully performed a world-first transplant surgery. They installed a 3D printed tibia into the leg of Reuben Lichter, ...
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The Futility of Rooting Out Sin Apart from The Holy Spirit
For the last 20 years sociologist Peter Simi has spent time with and studied white supremacist groups and individuals. Many groups, such as the White ...
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This City Museum Is Made of Junk
Cyd Holsclaw and Geoffrey Holsclaw write in their book, Does God Really Like Me?:
A transformation by love is on full display at the City Museum in St. ...
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Alcohol Use on The Rise
The stats from the most recent available data, showed a marked increase in the percentage of Americans who drink-and how much they consume-over time. ...
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Leaving Hate Behind
Tom Tarrants was serving a 35-year sentence in prison for attempting to bomb a Jewish businessman’s residence. Previously, Tarrants had avoided ...
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