Sermon Illustrations about Sanctification
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Sanctification to help bring your sermon to life.
Boundaries Are Not Enough to Prevent Sin
Once a man planted a garden and was delighted when shoots emerged. Every day he watered and weeded, and his garden grew until he was ecstatic to see plants ...
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People Don’t Heal after Suffering, They Transform
Author and New York Times columnist David Brooks noted that profound suffering can often lead to a sense of calling and purpose. Brooks said,
People (who) ...
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In Severe Trials Broken Pastor Proclaims ‘I Love You Jesus’
Andrew Brunson, a Christian pastor from North Carolina spent 20 years in Turkey. He had a quiet but deep ministry there until 2016, when after a failed ...
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The Upside of Stress
Researchers at Stanford and Florida State University asked a broad sample of US adults, ages eighteen through seventy-eight, to rate how much they agreed ...
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New Insight into the Miracle of Metamorphosis
Until recently, the only way to study how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly was to cut open the chrysalis or x-ray it—both with fatal results. ...
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NYC Library Lets Job Seekers Check Out Interview Attire
You can check out more than books at the New York Public Library on Manhattan's Upper West Side. Young adult librarian Michelle Lee suggested a new ...
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The Ultra-Pure Sand That Makes Your Phone Possible
Many have never heard of Spruce Pine, North Carolina but this remote area is tremendously important to the rest of the world. It's the mineral found ...
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The Holy Spirit Helps Clean Areas We Overlook
In his book #Gospel, Daniel Rice shares the story of Pastor Matt Chandler who came home one night and found his son in the living room playing a game ...
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A Christian's Body is on Loan from God
To illustrate the truth that the Christian's body is no longer their own, pastor/author Ray Ortlund writes the following:
I try to drive carefully. ...
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Former Cold War-Era Nuclear Missile Silo Listed on AirBnb
A rural area of Northern Kansas just outside of Topeka once housed a nuclear warhead. Now, 65 years later, the former missile base has been adapted into ...
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