Sermon Illustrations about Self-control
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Self-control to help bring your sermon to life.
The Sweeter Song of Jesus
In Greek mythology, ancient sailors faced many dangers at sea. One of the most unusual was that of the sirens who used their mesmerizing songs to lure ...
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The Strength of Humility
A pastor in India was confronted angrily by a man in his office one day. This man made many unfair and untrue accusations against the pastor. After finishing ...
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We Are Better Together Than in Isolation
The "marshmallow test" is a classic research project that illustrates our lack of self-control and delayed gratification. For the study, the ...
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Crucial Questions About Masturbation
Of the hundreds of men I’ve counseled about their sexual addictions, not one has told me that after masturbating he felt stronger, more confident, ...
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Alcohol Use on The Rise
The stats from the most recent available data, showed a marked increase in the percentage of Americans who drink-and how much they consume-over time. ...
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Researchers Suggest Staring at Seagulls Prevents Food Theft
In seaside towns all across the United Kingdom, authorities have posted signs warning people against feeding seagulls. The theory is that years of being ...
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Pornography Can Wall You from True Intimacy
In a series of online messages, Brooklyn Nine-Nine actor Terry Crews opened up about his addiction to pornography, which he says "really, really ...
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Secular World Puzzled About Authenticity
Scientific American magazine reports a lot of confusion and disagreement as to exactly what is genuine authenticity. We are taught to be ourselves and ...
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Humanity Spent Four Billion Hours Watching Porn in One Year
We spend four billion hours a year watching porn. Sorry. I've just understated the problem. We dedicated well over four and a half billion hours to ...
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A Letter from Winston Churchill’s Disappointed Mother
Winston Churchill was 15 years old and a student at Harrow School when his mother, Jennie Churchill, wrote himthe following letter from London on June ...
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