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Sermon Illustrations about Seriousness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Seriousness to help bring your sermon to life.

When Do People Finally Take Their Health Seriously?

Going to the doctor can seem tedious as a child and even as a teen, but it might surprise you to find out how long it really takes people to actually ...

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Laughter Can Heal a Broken Heart

So, laughter really is the best medicine. A mere chuckle is enough to expand cardiac tissue and increase the flow of oxygen throughout the body, thus ...

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COVID-19 Held A Mirror to Christian Churches

The December 20, 2020 issue of The New Yorker harshly criticized the numerous Christian churches that don’t take the pandemic seriously and refuse ...

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Field Hockey Team Surprises Coach with Formal Wear

East Syracuse Minoa High field hockey coach Kate Harris challenged her players, who were all dedicated and focused, to loosen up a bit. Harris said, “I ...

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Young Artist Sees People in Whole New Light

In his book My Name Is Asher Lev, Chaim Potok's main character is an awakening artist, beginning to see the world with a different perspective. The ...

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The Origin of 'Skin in the Game'

According to one story (which may be a legend), in the late 1960s, the now-iconic investor Warren Buffet pried seed money for his very first stock fund ...

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Film 'Gravity' Portrays Our Spiritual Condition

In the 2013 film, Gravity, Dr. Ryan Stone, played by Sandra Bullock, is a medical engineer on her first shuttle mission, with veteran astronaut Matt Kowalsky, ...

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Starbucks' Junkies Get Coffee in Superstorm

On October 29, 2012, Hurricane Sandy (unofficially known as "Superstorm Sandy") slammed into the coast of the Northeastern United States. The ...

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Warning Label from Football Helmet Makers

Schutt Sports, a major supplier of football helmets for the National Football League, issues the following warning label on all their helmets and on their ...

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Coach Bear Bryant Urges His Players to Stay Alert

Paul "Bear" Bryant is widely considered to be one of the greatest college football coaches of all time. Bryant's record in 38 years at Maryland, ...

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