Sermon Illustrations about Sonship
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Sonship to help bring your sermon to life.
Linguist Claims Babies from Many Cultures Cry ‘Daddy’
Linguists tell us that babies of virtually all cultures use similar syllables for addressing their parents. It is easy for maturing babies to say the ...
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Most Americans Don’t Believe Jesus Existed Before the Manger
Christmas is a celebration of a real event, according to most Americans. Just don’t expect them to know exactly why Jesus was born and came to earth. ...
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Toddler's Exchange with Smart Speaker Popular in Viral Video
Aly Femia keeps an Amazon-branded smart speaker in the room with her son so he can listen to lullabies. But she had no idea how comfortable her baby had ...
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Dying Soldier Asks, ‘Is God really like Jesus?’
T.F. Torrance was one of the greatest theologians of the 20th century, but prior to that, he served as a chaplain during World War II. One day, on a battlefield ...
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Man Discovers He Is a Prince
Mr. Jay Speights of America recently discovered that he is royal. He took a DNA test and the results popped up as being of royal descent. The funny thing ...
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'Our Father' Only Possible Through Sonship of Jesus
Todd Wilson writes in "The Gift of the Son: Everlasting Father”:
God is the creator and sustainer and judge of humanity. But the Bible wants ...
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The Word Made Flesh
The Word of God, Jesus Christ, on account of his great love for mankind, became what we are in order to make us what he is himself.
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