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Sermon Illustrations about Students

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Students to help bring your sermon to life.

‘Flash Dads’ Cheer on Students

High fives, fist bumps, and words of encouragement are given freely by the Flash Dads. The Flash Dads program was launched seven years ago by Jefferson ...

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Scholar Who Studies Honesty Accused of Dishonesty

Francesca Gino of Harvard Business School, a leader in the field of behavioral science, and co-author of dozens of papers in peer-reviewed journals, has ...

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Professor Put Clues to Cash Prize in Syllabus

Kenyon Wilson, a professor at the University of Tennessee, wanted to test whether any of his students fully read the syllabus for his music seminar. Of ...

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Expert Says Young People Crave Stability

A business professor quoted in the Wall Street Journal noted how Gen Z is craving stability in the midst of anxiety.

Not long ago, a friend who teaches ...

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Educators Hail AI After Initially Scapegoating It

A burst of recent editorials have criticized AI tools like ChatGPT as a threat to educational goals over concerns that students would abuse the technology. ...

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Harvard Study Reveals Affirmative Action for Rich Applicants

The Supreme Court recently outlawed most racial preferences in college admissions. However, a new study from Ivy League researchers indicates another ...

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25 Percent of High School Students are Gay, Bisexual, or Questioning

The CDC’s yearly youth report found that around a quarter of high school students identify as gay, bisexual, or have a more fluid sexuality. This ...

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College Students Suffer Alcohol-Related Consequences

It’s no secret that many college students spend much of their four years at school drinking way more than they probably should. Now, a new study ...

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Students Grow Vegetables for Kids in a Food Desert

The kids at Summit Elementary School in Butler, Pennsylvania, are looking out for their peers five miles away at Broad Street Elementary. Broad Street ...

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School Social Worker Writes Encouragement Notes to 600 Students

When he was a kid, Kevin Boyer's parents left him special notes in his lunch box. Now he's keeping that tradition alive with his own students. ...

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