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Sermon Illustrations about Students

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Students to help bring your sermon to life.

Her Fish Wasn’t Allowed to Fly. An Airline Worker Looked After It.

At the end of her freshman year at the University of Tampa, Kira Rumfola packed her bags and headed to the airport with her favorite roommate: a colorful ...

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Town to Convert Only Library into Police Station

Residents of McFarland, a small town in California’s central valley, are upset over potential plans to replace the town’s only library with ...

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'Dads on Duty' Show Students Someone Cares

After multiple fights at Southwood High School in Shreveport, Louisiana, resulted in the arrests of 23 students, a group of about 40 dads stepped up to ...

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God, Grades, and Graduation

Want your kids to do better in school? Church might be the answer, according to a study conducted by the University of Notre Dame. An article titled, ...

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Two Middle School Students Saved Their School Bus Driver

Two middle school students are being praised for their quick action when their bus driver experienced a medical emergency. Conner Doss and Kane Daugherty ...

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Purdue University Honors Sisters Who Persevered

Purdue University recently announced the renaming of two of its residence halls after two extraordinary alumni, Freida and Winifred Parker. In 1946, they ...

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Cheating at Colleges Soars During the Pandemic

Mariam Aly, an assistant professor at Columbia University, has tried everything to keep her students from cheating. In her cognitive neuroscience class, ...

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This Is Why Japanese Children Score Higher on Math Tests

In standardized math tests, Japanese children consistently score higher than their American counterparts. Researchers have found that it has more to do ...

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Elite College Students Bested by Average Kindergartners

Over the course of several months, Peter Skillman conducted a study pitting the skill of elite university students against that of the average kindergartner. ...

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To Solve Social Distancing Use Geometry

Of all the challenges facing educators, restauranteurs, and business owners in trying to reopen during a global pandemic, one of them requires knowledge ...

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