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Sermon Illustrations about Terrorism

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Terrorism to help bring your sermon to life.

Muslim Woman Scorned After Terrorist Attacks

Global missions expert Paul Borthwick remembers living in Boston after the Boston Marathon terrorist bombings of April 2013. Most people were suspicious ...

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We Are Not the Church of Chicken Little

It would be tempting, as the calendar (changes to) 2021, to view 2020 as a nightmare that will soon pass and quickly be forgotten. Take a mulligan year ...

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Needed: A Prince of Peace

In the depths of World War II, Swedish authorities decided their citizens needed to know what to do if the fighting finally arrived on their doorstep. ...

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Americans Are Among the Most Anxious People on Earth

According to the New York Times, Americans are among the most anxious people on earth. One study found that Americans were significantly more anxious ...

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Are Christmas Carols too Simplistic for Today's Troubles?

Russell Moore shares a story of dropping into a local bookstore and overhearing a man talk about why he hated Christmas music. Moore writes:

This guy started ...

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Ready to Hear the Gospel

New York Fire Department paramedic instructor Dave Gill has worked at New York's Ground Zero in the days following the September 11th terrorist attack. ...

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Max Lucado's Prayer in Aftermath of Terrorism

At the September 15, 2001, satellite broadcast of "America Prays," author Max Lucado read the following prayer that he wrote in response to ...

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Cost of Terrorist Attack

The terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, has cost Americans more than can ever be counted. But by late September, some of those costs were already ...

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