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Sermon Illustrations about Thoughts

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Thoughts to help bring your sermon to life.

Sleep Cleans Your Brain

Have you ever wondered what happens in your brain while you sleep? A good night's sleep does more than just help you feel rested; it might literally ...

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Streaming Services Efforts to Grab Your Attention

Disney is trying to be as addictive as Netflix, and they want to grab and keep your attention. Disney spent years trying to attract new subscribers to ...

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Gambling Away Our Lives

The cacophony of slot machines, dice rolls, and card shuffles is what usually comes to mind when people think of gambling. The more pervasive way to gamble ...

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Double-Clicking on Obedience

Ruben Roy is a managing director at Stifel Financial. He dialed in to hear the chief executive of a healthcare company discuss its latest results. During ...

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Rushing Through a Shallow Life

Religious and non-religious people alike think that many people are living shallow and superficial lives. They have noticed that many are rushing through ...

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The World of Replacement Alcohol

While booze has, for thousands of years now, been the most socially acceptable form of self-medication, its many health detriments have pushed some to ...

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2024 Word of the Year Fuels ‘Magical Thinking’

The word "manifest" has been named Cambridge Dictionary's word of the year for 2024, after celebrities such as pop star Dua Lipa and gymnast ...

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Man Lives Rent Free in NY Hotel

On a June afternoon in 2018, a man named Mickey Barreto checked into the New Yorker Hotel. He was assigned Room 2565, a double-bed accommodation with ...

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Is Your Child’s Phone a Problem?

Jonathan Haidt is a social psychologist who believes that your child’s smartphone is a threat to mental well-being. His book, The Anxious Generation: ...

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The Great Rewiring of Childhood

Jonathan Haidt is a social psychologist who believes that your child’s smartphone is a threat to mental well-being. His new book, The Anxious Generation: ...

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