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Sermon Illustrations about Time management

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Time management to help bring your sermon to life.

Sleep Cleans Your Brain

Have you ever wondered what happens in your brain while you sleep? A good night's sleep does more than just help you feel rested; it might literally ...

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Streaming Services Efforts to Grab Your Attention

Disney is trying to be as addictive as Netflix, and they want to grab and keep your attention. Disney spent years trying to attract new subscribers to ...

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Man Finds Freedom from TV Hypnosis

A man from Scotland noticed positive changes in his lifestyle after he decided to stop watching television in the evening. 41-year-old Stephen Clarke ...

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The Rise of the Irate Customer

If you find yourself being more impatient than ever before when interacting with people in customer service roles—or if you’ve noticed other ...

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Rushing Through a Shallow Life

Religious and non-religious people alike think that many people are living shallow and superficial lives. They have noticed that many are rushing through ...

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Airport Limits Time for Goodbye Hugs

Emotional farewells are a common sight at airports, but travelers leaving the New Zealand city of Dunedin will have to be quick. A new three-minute time ...

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The Behemoth of Fantasy Sports

How's your fantasy team shaping up? A recent Statista article takes stock of the United States' growing fantasy sports phenomenon. ESPN, DraftKings, ...

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What Happens in One Minute Around the World?

The following 10 things will happen around the world every 60 seconds of this new year:

• Births: Approximately 250 babies are born worldwide every ...

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Navigating the Clutter of the Information Age

New York Times Columnist Ezra Klein notes his theory why the Internet feels “so crummy” these days. It puts us into “shame closets.” ...

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Americans Are too Busy to Enjoy Life

Do you ever feel like you’re too busy to enjoy life? If so, that’s because you are probably too busy. Not that this is some amazing diagnosis: ...

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