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Sermon Illustrations about Uniqueness of Christ

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Uniqueness of Christ to help bring your sermon to life.

Evangelist Leighton Ford Meets Muhammad Ali

Leighton Ford, evangelist and brother-in-law of Billy Graham, once met the former boxing champion Muhammad Ali at a hotel in Sydney, Australia. Ford listened ...

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The World Is More Religious Than Ever

Is our world becoming overwhelming secular? Not exactly, says researcher Rodney Stark. In his book The Triumph of Faith, Stark argues that our world is ...

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Survey Asks 'Do All Religions Lead to God?'

Buried within Pew's study on the American religious landscape was a startling find. Adults who identified with a specific religion were asked whether ...

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The Quiet but Deep Influence of Jesus' Life

In some ways, our biggest challenge in gauging Jesus' influence is that we take for granted the ways in which our world has been shaped by him. For ...

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Comedian on Guilt and Religion

The comedian Cathy Ladman expresses a view that's becoming more and more common: "All religions are the same: religion is basically guilt with ...

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Bono on 'Who Was Christ?'

I think a defining question for a Christian is: Who was Christ? And I don't think you're let off easily by saying a great thinker or a great philosopher, ...

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Tim Keller: The Resurrection Will Restore All Things

Tim Keller tells the following story:

When my wife was growing up, every summer her family spent two weeks at a small compound of cottages on the shores ...

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The Koran and the Bible on "God's Wounds"

In his book If I Were God I'd End All Pain, John Dickson recalls speaking on the theme "The wounds of God" at a university campus. After ...

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The "Preposterous" Truth of God's Wounds

Christian minister John Dickson once spoke on the theme of the wounds of God on a university campus in Sydney, Australia. During the question time, a ...

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Evangelism and Social Justice Should Both Get Our Attention

Editor's Note: Andy Crouch sets up the quote below with these two sentences: "These days I do not often meet Christians so passionate about evangelism ...

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