Sermon Illustrations about Vulnerability
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Vulnerability to help bring your sermon to life.
Gen-Z Mental Health Slang Provokes Conversation
Controversies abound regarding social media in general and TikTok in particular. And there’s nothing new or novel about older people expressing ...
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How Anxiety Became Popular
In an article in The Atlantic, Derek Thompson explores “How Anxiety Became Content.” He reveals that this new “genre” on social ...
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NYC Declares Social Media a Health Hazard
New York City Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan, acting under the authority of mayor Eric Adams, recently issued a public health advisory designating social ...
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Man Is Trapped by Perfectionism
Author Brené Brown was at a book signing where a woman and her husband approached her with books to get autographed. After Brown signed the books, ...
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Delay Giving Kids Phones for Happier Lives
How old should a child be before getting their first cell phone? There’s only one correct answer if you want them to lead happier, more successful ...
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Phishing and Temptation
Phishing is a word for a type of online scamming and this type of activity is growing. The FBI reports over 300,000 complaints and over 50 million dollars ...
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Legal Goods Tracked in Illegal Drug Trade
U.S. Customs and Border Protection recently unveiled a comprehensive strategy to target the legal materials used by traffickers in the production of fentanyl ...
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What Can I Do to Help You?
Mike Huddleston was traveling for a training. He had flown from Maryland to San Francisco and needed to get to a rental car agency. But because of a degenerative ...
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When Weaknesses are Proclaimed as ‘Strengths’
In an episode of NBC’s sitcom, The Office, Michael Scott offers a humorously self-serving accounting of his weaknesses as a boss: “I work ...
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Social Media Is Linked to Rise in Teen Sadness
The CDC’s bi-annual Youth Risk Behavior Survey (2023) showed that most teen girls (57%) now say that they experience persistent sadness or hopelessness ...
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