Sermon Illustrations about Weakness
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Weakness to help bring your sermon to life.
Building Walls to Avoid Hurt
A surefire way to never get hurt: Imagine a life free from heartache and disappointment, a world where you are impervious to the pain that comes with ...
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Expert Says Few Will Live to 100
The longevity business is booming. People are flocking to longevity meetings and taking compounds they hope will extend their lives. Investors are backing ...
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‘Father, Don’t Let Me Fall’
Trinity Evangelical Divinty School professor Kevin Vanhoozer writes about caring for his aging mother in an issue of CT magazine:
For nine years now, I ...
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Actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus Reflects on Death
Actress and former Seinfeld star (as Elaine) Julia Louis-Dreyfus has had moments when tragedy and comedy get put in a blender. Monday, September 18, 2017, ...
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How John Stott Learned Total Dependence on God
Pastor John Yates III once worked for the British scholar and Bible teacher John Stott. Yates reflected on the time when Stott’s aging and disability ...
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Staffing Algorithms Lead to Care Shortage
Brookdale Senior Living is one of the industry's leading providers of senior adult care, with over 600 facilities across the United States. But employees ...
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Just One Small Flaw
The Silver Bridge, officially named the Point Pleasant Bridge but known for its silver aluminum paint, opened on May 30, 1928, with great anticipation. ...
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Man Is Trapped by Perfectionism
Author Brené Brown was at a book signing where a woman and her husband approached her with books to get autographed. After Brown signed the books, ...
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Professor Suggests Suicide for Japan’s Elderly
His pronouncements could hardly sound more drastic. In interviews and public appearances, Yusuke Narita, an assistant professor of economics at Yale, ...
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The God of Lowliness
Nadia Bolz Weber, shared some thoughts on grace, failures, and the soul feeling its worth in her Christmas newsletter:
When Mary sings of God in the Magnificat, ...
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