Sermon Illustrations about Wonder
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Wonder to help bring your sermon to life.
Beauty and Grace Feed the Soul
In his book Culture Care, Makoto Fujimura tells a story of valuing art and beauty:
As a newlywed couple, my wife and I began our journey with very little. ...
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Web Wonders from A Creative Mind
God’s creative ability truly is more wondrous than anything man can conceive. For example, the spider and its web elicit considerably more astonishment ...
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80 Percent of Brain Input Comes from Vision
Did you know that of our five sensory inputs (seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching), 80 percent of what your brain “knows” comes from ...
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How Beauty Is Making Scientists Rethink Evolution
Science writer Ferris Jabr asks a difficult question about those who do not believe in God as Creator: “How do you explain beauty?” He quotes ...
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Discovering God’s Incredible Beauty at the South Pole
Brett Baddorf, a missionary to the South Pole (yes, he lives and works at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station), has surprisingly discovered God’s ...
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Seeing the Creator in the Wonders of Our Cosmos
In Star Struck, David Bradstreet shares the following examples of the wonder of God's creation:
When the summer sun is beating down, do you ever wish ...
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Chicago Weatherman Goes Viral for Lovable Reaction to Solar Eclipse
In most people's minds, there are quite a few things more interesting than watching a weatherman on TV. One of them, apparently, is watching a weatherman ...
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Whales: Mysteries of God's Creation
Think for a moment about the mysteries of just one of God's creatures—a whale. These big, beautiful creatures spend 95 percent of their lives ...
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Scientists Discover God's Handiwork in a Lab
Since it's opening in 1874 the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, England has been the place where many extraordinary discoveries in physics have ...
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Scientist Extols Wonder of Dandelions and All Plants
In his book Star Struck, Christian astronomer Dr. David H. Bradstreet writes:
Our planet is home to some 10 to 14 million species of living things. Consider ...
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