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Sermon Illustrations about Wonder

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Wonder to help bring your sermon to life.

Einstein Explains to Child if Scientists Pray

Once, when a little girl asked Albert Einstein if scientists pray, Einstein replied in part, “Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit ...

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Only Earth Has Rainbows

Life on Earth requires a lot of “fine tuning.” Our planet is just the right distance from the Sun to allow freezing and melting, and the planetary ...

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Scientists Discover New Marvels of God’s Creation

Scientists studying two different parts of God’s awesome creation—the oceans below and the sky above—have made two startling discoveries. ...

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Momentary Transcendence in an Ancient Mausoleum

In his book With, author Skye Jethani describes the mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Italy:

Fifteen hundred years ago, the emperor of Rome built a tomb for ...

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His Eye is on the Sparrow

Every bird is covered with feathers, and almost every feather on an individual bird is different, specialized in length, shape and structure to match ...

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Our Remarkable Sun

Evolutionists like to claim that our Sun is merely an average star, just one among billions. There’s no reason to believe our Sun is unusual … ...

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A Neuroscientist on the Limits of Man’s Knowledge and Understanding

Science has come very far in understanding how the human body works. But scientists admit understanding the human brain is still in its pioneering stage. ...

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Your Amazing DNA is a Testimony to Our Creator

On September 5, 1977, the Voyager I space probe was launched from Cape Canaveral aboard a Titan-Centaur rocket. It has been speeding through space at ...

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Nature as God’s Cathedral or God’s Wrath?

When man fell in the Garden of Eden, he took nature down with him. In spite of this some of nature has retained its former glory, and many have seen God’s ...

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Relying on Science but Missing the Truth

The son of a scientist and a doctor, Jad Abumrad, is co-host of Radiolab one of public radio’s most popular shows today. In a TED talk in 2020, ...

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