Sermon Illustrations about Works Righteousness
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Works Righteousness to help bring your sermon to life.
Practical Atheism
Most professing Christians, from the liberals to the fundamentalists, remain practical atheists. They think the church is sustained by the services it ...
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What Does "No" Mean?
One of the most common frustrations encountered by the person seeking to enlist volunteers is to receive what appears to be a categorical "No!" ...
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Works Alone Cannot Save
Covet not your neighbor's goods, despise him not, slander him not, scorn him not, belie him not, backbite him not, ... But many think if they give ...
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Luther: "How I Pray"
Dear Master Peter [Beskendorf, Luther's barber and lifelong friend]: I will tell you as best I can what l do personally when I pray. May our dear ...
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"Help Me Help You"
I used to ask God to help me. Then I asked if I might help him. I ended up asking him to do his work through me.
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Would Jesus Buy a BMW?
Nothing is more controversial than to be a follower of Jesus Christ. Nothing is more dangerous than to live out the will of God in today's contemporary ...
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Uninspiring Mediocrity
Half-heartedness and mediocrity don't inspire anybody to do anything.
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