Sermon Illustrations about Works Righteousness
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Works Righteousness to help bring your sermon to life.
Largest Lego Model Took Vision and Teamwork
The newest addition to the grand list of Coolest Things Ever was first unveiled in New York City in 2013: the Lego X-Wing, the largest Lego model ever ...
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Tom Hanks on the Fear of Faking It
In his film (2016), A Hologram for the King, Tom Hanks plays a middle-aged American businessman who is sent to Saudi Arabia for a special project. The ...
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The Law Can't Set Us Free to Play
Imagine you are twelve years old again, and you love baseball. All your heroes are baseball players, all your extracurricular time is spent either with ...
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Psychologists Identify the 'Imposter Syndrome'
In 1978, two American psychologists, Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes, observed what they called "the impostor syndrome." They described it as ...
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Samuel Johnson's Failed New Year's Resolutions
In 1738, the literary giant Samuel Johnson wrote in his diary: "Oh Lord, enable me to redeem the time which I have spent in sloth." Nineteen ...
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Comedian on Guilt and Religion
The comedian Cathy Ladman expresses a view that's becoming more and more common: "All religions are the same: religion is basically guilt with ...
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Former New York Mayor Says He's 'Earned' Heaven
During an interview before his 50th college reunion, former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg confessed that his mortality has started dawning on ...
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TV Ad on the Futility of Do-it Yourself Salvation
A Lowe's [Hardware] commercial shows a proud do-it-yourselfer installing a new ceiling fan in his family's living room. After he proudly gives ...
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Tim Keller on the Dangers of "Self-Esteem Résumés"
Editor's Note: This illustration could easily be adapted based on details from your own life.
Tim Keller writes in, “The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness”: ...
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Young Woman Knows about Morality but Not the Gospel
The primary reason the majority of kids from Christian homes stray from the faith is that they never really heard it or had it to begin with …. ...
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