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Sermons on Grace

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Preaching on Grace? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Taking Life Seriously
Taking Life Seriously


A lot of things happened in 1973. I was a teenager with a face filled with acne and an appetite for adventure. Beth was a cute ten-year-old ...

Because the preborn are people they must be protected.

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Transforming Light
Transforming Light


In our previous sermon we started to see what true Christianity is because John was faced with false teachers bringing counterfeit versions ...

Who is a true Christian?

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Behold: Gospel
Behold: Gospel


Advent is a season of waiting, anticipating, and hoping. It’s a time when we plant our feet firmly in the land between two affirmations: ...

Beholding the gospel allows us to become people of transcendent joy.

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Because He Loved Us
Because He Loved Us


About 25 years ago I almost became a hero for the cause of justice and compassion. For my first job after college, every morning ...

Jesus displayed incredible compassion and then he told us to do likewise.

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More Faithful Than Moses
More Faithful Than Moses


At the end of Hebrews 2, we are told that Jesus had to be made like us. He had to become one of us in order to redeem us. He had to be made ...

We need to stop turning back and continuing forward in our pursuit of Christ.

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Facing the No or No Answer
Facing the No or No Answer

Editor’s Note: Kevin Miller was kind enough to share his notes he used while developing this sermon. Take a look below to see the types of questions ...

Keep asking God till you get a yes—or the grace to live with the no.

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Be Strong and Courageous
Be Strong and Courageous


Can one person make a difference? Can one person change the direction of an entire family tree? Can one person stand up in the face of fear, ...

The difference one person can make for an entire family tree when they are fully yielded to God.

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The Danger of Descending into Sin
The Danger of Descending into Sin


To err is human—am I right? We as human beings, we often do things wrong. We mess up. We sin. And when we sin, when we mess up, we usually ...

David lusts, rapes, attempts deception, and kills—and yet God’s grace is big enough to redeem him.

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The Jesus Alternative
The Jesus Alternative


One of my favorite things about going to the grocery store is going down the cereal aisle. I love going down the cereal aisle. One, because ...

Jesus provides a better alternative than the world.

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The Time That it Takes
The Time That it Takes


At the end of the Sermon on the Mountain, Jesus Christ made an amazing claim. He said those who hear his words, in which our Lord claimed ...

It is better to finally believe what at first I could not say than to say at first what I do not believe.

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A Good Friday Intervention
A Good Friday Intervention


One of my favorite Chicago landmarks is the iconic breakfast destination known as Ann Sathers, on 909 West Belmont. Ann Sathers is a good ...

Jesus intervenes for us—and satisfies us.

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Running to the Lost
Running to the Lost


Should God have any enemies?

The popular answer these days is basically this: "No, God shouldn't have any enemies … if there is a God, ...

Often, we're like Jonah—but we belong to Jesus.

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God Hasn't Turned His Back
God Hasn't Turned His Back

Back Story to the Sermon

(Editor's Note: Preaching Today asked Pastor Dan Meyer to tell use the reason he decided to speak about the shootings that took ...

We can't fix our world's problems, but we can lament—and hope.

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R-Rated: The Bible's Flawed Superman
R-Rated: The Bible's Flawed Superman


There are a lot of heroes in the Bible, but there's really only one superhero, and that's Samson. If you think about it, Samson ...

God takes sinful people and turns them into true heroes.

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Beyond Sympathy to Solidarity
Beyond Sympathy to Solidarity


In the immediate aftermath of the tragic shooting of nine persons at Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston, South Carolina, the sympathy of ...

Jesus calls us to closer and deeper relationships.

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R-Rated: Rated R for Redemption
R-Rated: Rated R for Redemption


(Read Joshua 2:1-20)

In 144 AD, the church father Marcion was excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church in Rome, Italy, because he held ...

God can redeem any person out of any situation.

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R-Rated: Life Is in the Blood
R-Rated: Life Is in the Blood


For me, because I didn't grow up in the church, when I first started reading the Bible I was reading it as a skeptic. Even after ...

These laws are more than health codes, they point to Jesus' blood and sacrifice.

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R-Rated: Genocide and Jericho
R-Rated: Genocide and Jericho


I think if you're at all human, there are tensions that come up. The idea of genocide, or of this powerful people massacring innocents, ...

God's plan is to evict the world of sin.

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R-Rated: What Really Happened at Sodom and Gomorrah?
R-Rated: What Really Happened at Sodom and Gomorrah?


What happened at Sodom and Gomorrah? Whether you have been to church one time or 1,000 times you have probably heard something about ...

God calls us to intercede for others.

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Get a Grip
Get a Grip

Editor's Note: This sermon was given from an empty gymnasium. To prepare for the topic and really connect with the idea of "letting go," John Ortberg ...

Stretch out your hands to God, the Great Catcher.

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Be Afraid of Not Fearing
Be Afraid of Not Fearing


You need to look the other way, pastor. This is business. You're not cut out for this. My friend had been pastoring this church for a few ...

The righteous man fears God.

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God's Big Story: The Bible on Homosexuality
God's Big Story: The Bible on Homosexuality

Editor's Note: This sermon was originally part of a three-sermon series given by Jim Nicodem. (That's why you'll notice that this sermon ends ...

How should Christians view homosexuality within the Bible's larger gospel story?

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The Great Exchange
The Great Exchange


The New York Times magazine ran an article that was simply called "Happiness 101." They want to get to the root of what really makes people ...

Jesus provides rest for all who are yoked to him.

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The Illusion of Money
The Illusion of Money


I want to talk with you about the most controversial subject in the church. It's not homosexuality, it's not the use of the sign gifts, and ...

Money has many limitations, instead focus on God and his grace.

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Formulas and Fantasies Will Always Fail
Formulas and Fantasies Will Always Fail


A few years back when I was pastoring Aspen Grove Community Church, we had a terrific team of volunteers for VBS and a great plan for that ...

Instead of formulas and fantasies; seek God's wisdom and trust him.

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Enjoy Your Life Now
Enjoy Your Life Now


Age is becoming a bigger and bigger issue in our society because more and more Americans are living longer and longer. 10,000 Americans turn ...

Our lives are a gift from God.

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Satan Strikes Out
Satan Strikes Out


Years ago Scott Peck wrote a book called The Road Less Traveled. He began that book with these memorable words: "Life is difficult. This is ...

Satan is a defeated foe.

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The Way of Embrace


A few months ago something strange happened on an airplane bound for Los Angeles. The actress Amy Adams was shooting a new film in Detroit ...

Welcome people as Jesus has welcomed you.

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Heaven: Hope for the Long Tomorrow
Heaven: Hope for the Long Tomorrow


Don't you love Easter? There's something about it, isn't there? Here are a few fun facts about Easter you may not have known: The word, "Easter" ...

Through the Resurrection there is hope in a new life in Christ.

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Resurrection Realities
Resurrection Realities


Concerned with the quantity of church growth and the quality of church life confronts us on every hand. We are barraged at conferences with ...

We need a passion for Jesus and his presence above all else.

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Yet . . .


I'm sure there are times when you have wondered, "What will become of me?" Were you standing, bewildered, outside of your boss's office door? ...

We receive strength from God to climb above the dark powers of this world.

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Last One Standing
Last One Standing


I'll tell you the best news you will ever hear: "The righteous shall live by faith!" So why doesn't hearing that evoke the response of other ...

The righteous will not live by being righteous; the righteous will live by faith.

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Sturdy Grace
Sturdy Grace


For a community like ours, in the place of promise that we're in, we have a fork in the road that's coming down the pike. There's a fork in ...

Disposable grace is anchored in self; sturdy grace is anchored in Christ.

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God's Favor


It is so good to gather on this special Christmas morning and welcome our Lord Jesus Christ into the world to celebrate his birth together. ...

Capturing the beauty of Christmas in two words—God's favor.

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It's Just Sex!


I'm starting a four week series on sex, marriage, and singleness. My text for this series will be 1 Corinthians 6:12-7:40, where Paul addresses ...

Sex is a physical and spiritual gift from God, but only within marriage.

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God's Stolen Identity


Identity theft is one of the most rampant crimes sweeping across America. A thief steals someone's Social Security number and personal information ...

When we catch a vision of God's true identity, we'll fall down and worship him.

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Grace Alone

True North Backstory

One reason I enjoyed preaching the sermons in this series was the contrast between a "head" message and a "heart" message.

The message ...

Only Christ’s grace, not our works, can give us the love, acceptance, and forgiveness we want.

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You Are So Welcome
You Are So Welcome

The story behind the sermon (by Mark Buchanan)

This sermon opened a quick series that kicked off our fall 2011 ministry. The immediate background (which ...

God welcomes us with costly, extravagant love and then he calls us to share his love with the world.

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God's Great Heart of Love


In John Bunyan's famous Pilgrim's Progress, right from the outset of the book we are introduced to a man who is deeply troubled and who is ...

The One who judges our sin also invites us to find refuge in his grace.

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A God Who Redeems


Today, we're not only talking about a God who is with us, but also a God who redeems us. I want to talk to those who feel helpless and hopeless ...

God promises, we mess it up, Jesus redeems.

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The Guest List


We're in part two of a series called The Heart of Christ, and I want to begin this week with a question: Do you remember the first Christian ...

Jesus came for those who are sick.

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Lost and Found


Some of you may have heard of Anthony Bourdain. He has a reality show on The Travel Channel called "No Reservations." He's a chef who travels ...

Jesus' encounter with Zacchaeus is a fulfillment of his mission.

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God Is Good


Can you recall the first prayer you learned by heart? Was it for you, as it was for me, the one still prayed by children around dinner tables ...

Believing in the heart of God

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Believe the Blessing


Ten years ago I had an experience that changed my life in a profound way. I was working at a Christian camp in the mountains of L.A. I lived ...

In Jacob's life, we see how God disrupts, wounds, and blesses us so we can bless the world.

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God's Courtroom


I have a confession to make. It's going to date me, and for some of you, it's going to lower me in your esteem, but I'm going to say it anyway. ...

God judges righteously the evil of the world.

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God's Sacrifice
God's Sacrifice


I went to a university that was known for its basketball team. The students who attended the games (like me), were known as the sixth man ...

God's judgment will come, but he has provided a way of safety.

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Blessed Forever


In his book Leaving Home, Garrison Keillor tells a fictional story about a family from Lake Wobegon, Minnesota. Grace Tollefson married Alex ...

We are a part of God's royal family, because we share in the heritage of Christ.

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The Price of Pride


You've probably heard the expression, "Into every life, a little rain must fall." I was reading an article about a movie star who was having ...

Understanding the consequence of our sin and the mercy of God

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What Makes You Happy?
What Makes You Happy?

In John's first letter of correspondence to the churches, there are some troublesome verses. First John 4:9-10 is not difficult: "This is how ...

God's love is made visible when we don't delight in evil and we rejoice in truth.

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Jesus Christ: His Human Nature

"The gospel of God … regarding his Son, who as to his human nature was a descendent of David …" (Romans 1:3).

Paul says, "Jesus Christ is ...

Jesus Christ meets us in our great weakness.

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