Preaching on Trial? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

God’s Presence, God’s Promises
There’s no title it just says, Of David. We don’t know for sure, unlike some of the psalms, the situation at the time ...
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Trusting the Sovereignty of God
We are in our Advent series called “Christmas with Joseph—when things don’t go as planned.” What we’re trying ...
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When the Heat Is On
Have you seen the famous photo from 1936 of a huge crowd of people all saluting Hitler, but one man stands out. Why? He keeps his ...
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Enduring Hardship Faithfully
Life is hard and full of uncertainties. You don't always know what will get you. You just know something will: coronavirus, unemployment, ...
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Tests Into Treasure
Ian Barclay wrote that in 1588 terrible storms lashed across the Orkney Isles. A Christian fisherman wrote that as he saw his home, his boat, ...
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'A Politician, a Lawyer, and a Jew'
James Emery White tells a story about his visit to The Eagle and Child pub in Great Britain, the place where C. S. Lewis and his friends used ...
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Growing in Wisdom
This sermon is part of the “More Than a Holiday” sermon series. See the whole series here.
I’m excited to kick off our Advent ...
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How to Survive in a Fallen World
Americans are threatened in a way today that I think is unusual in our history. Just this week I read parts of three publications freely available ...
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Faith in the Storm
We are in Mark's gospel, at the end of Mark 4, and let me remind us all of the context. Mark is writing to a group of believers who are ...
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The Final Week, Were You There?
Artist Hieronymus Bosch painted Christ carrying his cross in 1505. Christ was surrounded in the painting by such notably ghoulish and revolting ...
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On the Defense
All of us have been in the cross-hairs of criticism. It may have come from a spouse, a parent, an adult child, or another family—all ...
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The Spiritual Disciplines You Didn't Choose
There are two kinds of spiritual disciplines but today I want to talk about the kind that we understand less and that we struggle with more. ...
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Praying While Running
Editor's Note: Throughout this document Dr. Jeffrey Arthurs has provided a running commentary on his sermon. It's an invaluable guide for how ...
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God's Eraser
I have a friend who has a great saying. He says, "Make your plans in pencil because God has a big eraser." That's great wisdom. I used to ...
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To Live Is Christ, and to Die Is Gain
I don't like it when people take Bible verses out of context and slap them on coffee mugs, put them on bookmarks, put them on bumper stickers. ...
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Mysterious Grace
A few months ago my wife and I met with a woman who was telling us about her family. She told us that when her daughter was born she had big ...
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Where Do We Find Hope?
On the hillsides and on the mountainsides along the ocean in Japan there are stone markers, some of them over six hundred years old, and on ...
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What to Do When Your Fig Tree Doesn’t Blossom
Picture Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes. He's swinging on a swing in the school playground. Picture a bully named Mo, twice as big as Calvin. ...
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We Can Do This the Easy Way or the Hard Way
For most of my time in college, I attended a small church in Chicago with my now wife, Jamie. The pastor of this church had been commissioned ...
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God Is Still Loving
There are times in our lives when it seems like God is against us. I mean, we know that God is for us, but there are times when it seems like God is treating ...
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The Undefiled
When I was in seminary, the wife of one of my classmates worked as a quality control inspector at a pharmaceutical company downtown in order to support ...
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When the Bottom Falls Out
I remember the events that led to her tears. My wife, Kathy, had come home from a weekly grocery trip with more than groceries to be concerned about. ...
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Faith in the Furnace
How do you win the World Series? A few decades ago, when the New York Mets were the underdog darlings of the National League, two young pitchers told ...
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Looking Up to Heaven
A shattered Colossus
The poet Percy Bysshe Shelly tells of meeting a traveler from an "antique" land who describes the ruins of a great statue in the desert. ...
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The Judgment of Grace
Chapter five of Daniel addresses the question of what would happen if you gave a party, and God crashed it. Nebuchadnezzar was no longer on the throne. ...
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The Song of a Broom
Sunday school pictures of a ruddy faced lad in a lions' den have scant resemblance to the actual situation described in this sixth and last chapter of ...
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The Rock That Doesn't Roll
Story behind the sermon (from Bryan Wilkerson)
This is a sermon I've wanted to preach for a long time, ever since I took a D. Min course from Warren Wiersbe ...
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It's Not About You
Today we're going to look at Matthew 8:23-27:
And when he got to the boat, his disciples followed him. And behold, there arose a great storm ...
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The Crook in the Lot
One of the first people that I hope to meet in heaven is the Scottish theologian Thomas Boston, who was the subject of my doctoral research ...
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The Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Today we're going to look at Luke chapter 2. There is a Christmas song tucked within this Christmas story that I want to uncover—a song ...
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The Dark Side of Grace
In the structure of John's gospel, John 11 serves as a hinge between two halves. The first 10 chapters are concerned with the ministry of ...
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Strong Grace, Hard Word, Good Memories
Be strong. Suffer hardship. Remember Jesus Christ. These are Paul's words of counsel to Timothy in a fallen world and imperfect church. Timothy ...
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Loss, Loyalty, & Lament
I've never been one to read romance novels, but lately I've been reading one. It's been a good one, too. Believe it or not, it's a book I ...
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God in Our Sorrows
The Advent is where God meets us in our sorrow.
The word advent means an arriving or an appearing. It's the arrival of something we hoped for, something ...
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The Shortest Distance Between Two Points is a Zig Zag
Early in geometry we learned that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. That means if I'm at point A and want to get to point ...
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A Christian's Happiness
If you're a Christian, you know that Christianity is supposed to be about joy. You probably also know that you're supposed to experience ...
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Yet Will I Praise Thee
Have you ever asked God questions and felt you haven't received a good answer? I heard about a little boy once who said to his father, "How ...
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The World's Greatest Step
The story behind the sermon (from John Ortberg):
For Easter I wanted to present some of N. T. Wright's material on the Resurrection. I love his work on ...
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Return to Power
We talk a lot here at New Life about the kingdom of God. The reality is that the kingdom of God comes first in the lives of God's people. ...
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Death Is Life
From the editor:
Easter draws closer and closer (April 4), and we're here to help out with sermon ideas to inspire you in your own preaching. This week ...
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Worth Your Attention
From the editor
More helpful resources for Easter! This week we're featuring a message from Mike Woodruff, pastor of Christ Church Lake Forest in Lake ...
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The Last Enemy
From the editor:
This week we continue to roll out great Easter resources to help inspire ideas for your own preaching. Below is a sermon by Donald Sunukjian ...
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Easter: The Benefits Package
From the editor:
This week we are featuring Leith Anderson's Easter sermon from 2009 to help inspire ideas for your own sermon for Easter 2010. As you ...
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If God Is Great, Where Is He in World of Suffering?
Of all the reasons for rejecting the claims of Christianity, the one most frequently offered comes in the form of a question: "If God is so ...
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If God Is Great, Where Is He in a World of Suffering?
Text: Matthew 27:27-46
Topic: Dealing with the reality of suffering
From the editor
Easter really isn't that far away—April 4, 2010—so we'll ...
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Torn by Pain
In 1997 Sara McLachlan wrote a song entitled "Dear God." It's a searing complaint against God—raw, brutally honest, and irreverent. ...
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Let's Get This Straight
The first thing I noticed about our story today was the stories on either side of it. When we last saw Jacob, he finally had been reconciled ...
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I Pray the Lord My Soul to Keep
From the editor:
Here's another great sermon from one of our featured preachers, Bryan Wilkerson—an in-depth look at the last few lines of the Lord's ...
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Facing North When the Market Goes South
Text: 1 Kings 17:716
Topic: Claiming God's promises in the midst of hard times
From the editor:
Though many experts believe we've entered an economic ...
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Blessed Are the Persecuted
Imagine you are in the market for a new car. You visit the dealer and the salesman who is showing you the latest model takes you for a test ...
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