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Sermon Illustrations about Appetites

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Appetites to help bring your sermon to life.

A Miracle Cure for Fleshly Desires?

Paul Ford writes in an article on Wired, what happened when he switched his weight loss meds and found a miracle cure. Decades of struggle with an insatiable ...

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Hungry Six-Year-Old Phones in Exorbitant Takeout Order

When Keith Stonehouse started receiving a flurry of orders from the takeout service GrubHub, it didn’t take him long to realize what had happened. ...

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Taste and See that the Lord Is Good

The pleasure of taste starts with the taste buds and ends with electrical signals reaching the reward centers in the brain. This is not just true of people; ...

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How Democracies Perish

Notre Dame political scientist Patrick Deneen’s new book, Why Liberalism Failed, is a challenge to those who want to revive the liberal democratic ...

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Anthony Bourdain Reflects On Battling Hedonism

Celebrity chef, writer, and TV personality Anthony Bourdain, who wore a tattoo on his arm that read in ancient Greek, "I am certain of nothing," ...

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Starch Recognized as Sixth Primary Taste

Conventional wisdom surrounding the function of taste buds focuses on five essential types of flavor sensations: sweet, salty, savory, sour and bitter. ...

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Turns Out You Really Are what You Eat

According to CNN, ranchers of the prized breed of cattle known as Wagyu go to great lengths to enhance the already legendary flavor of their beef. They ...

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Why Does this Animal Eat Plastic? It just Tastes Good.

For years it was assumed that sea creatures ate disposed-of plastics by accident. Now, we know the real reason they eat this literal junk food: because ...

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Woman's Awful Fake Dating Profile Attracts Men

They say that beauty is only skin deep, but many studies have shown that we have an inherent bias to view attractive people as better, smarter, and more ...

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Junk Food Execs Don't Eat Their Company's Food

Every year the average American eats 33 pounds of cheese and 70 pounds of sugar. On average, 11 percent of our diet comes from saturated fats. Every day ...

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