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Sermon Illustrations about Burnout

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Burnout to help bring your sermon to life.

Sleep Cleans Your Brain

Have you ever wondered what happens in your brain while you sleep? A good night's sleep does more than just help you feel rested; it might literally ...

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Americans Have Sense of Dread and Division

Two days after the attempted assassination of former President Trump, The Wall Street Journal ran an article with the following title:

“‘I’m ...

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Navigating the Clutter of the Information Age

New York Times Columnist Ezra Klein notes his theory why the Internet feels “so crummy” these days. It puts us into “shame closets.” ...

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Never Not Working

There is a reason God gave us the Sabbath rest. We need it. We were not created to work seven days a week. Yet, that is where we are headed as a culture, ...

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Death Doesn't Deter CEO Ambitions

Leadership can kill you. At least leadership in high stakes positions.

Nineteen chief executives died in office in 2023, the most since 2010, according ...

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Gen Z Workers Demoralized by Inconsistent Standards

According to Business Insider, a big turn off for Gen-Z workers is what workplace experts call “a double bind.” Jeanie Chang is an expert ...

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Parenting Is Much Harder Than Parents Expect

In a nod to the adage about family life that parenting is the hardest job in the world, most parents (62%) say being a parent has been at least somewhat ...

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A New Business Rule: Giving 85% Effort

Business consultants are calling it “The 85% rule.” An article in The Wall Street Journal explained how it works:

Are you giving it your all? ...

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How A Husband and Wife Took Back Their Sundays

Freelance writer Jason Heller describes how he and his wife made a pact a few years ago:

Every Sunday, we swore to each other, we will abstain from work. ...

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Hey, New Mom, Have You Considered Relaxing?

Writing in the New Yorker, Lucy Huber and Joanna Davis have some advice for new mothers:

Hello! I see you are a young mother caring for your young children, ...

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