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Sermon Illustrations about Concentration

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Concentration to help bring your sermon to life.

How Multitasking Messes with Your Prayer Life

An article on the website First Things advocates one simple way to improve your prayer life—stop multitasking. David Ousley writes:

Multitasking ...

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Double-Clicking on Obedience

Ruben Roy is a managing director at Stifel Financial. He dialed in to hear the chief executive of a healthcare company discuss its latest results. During ...

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One Simple Tip for Safer Winter Driving

Alexander George writes in Popular Mechanics:

Ready for the one genius tip that will make you a better winter driver? Here it is: Look where you want to ...

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Navigating the Clutter of the Information Age

New York Times Columnist Ezra Klein notes his theory why the Internet feels “so crummy” these days. It puts us into “shame closets.” ...

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Kids Learn to Tune Out Noise

If you are heading into Manhattan off the George Washington Bridge, you can't miss the cluster of four 32-story apartment buildings built right over ...

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A ‘Typewriter Rebellion’ Is Underway

You might call it the sound of a rebellion. Young people in the Phoenix, Arizona valley are buying old manual typewriters and using them as a creative ...

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Are Hypnotic YouTube Edits Getting Old?

There’s a particular trend that has come to dominate videos on social media. It’s called “retention editing,” because of its ability ...

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Smartphones and Distracted Drivers

It’s frustrating to public safety officials that there is so little publicly available data on the role that smartphones play in distracting drivers ...

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Procrastinators Helped by Using ‘Monk Mode’

Cameron Perrin, a 26-year-old software engineer, talks about his experience with the productivity hack known as "monk mode:"

As a person who ...

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Finland Promotes Silence as Natural Resource

One icy night in March 2010, 100 marketing experts piled into the Sea Horse Restaurant in Helsinki. They had the modest goal of making a remote and medium-sized ...

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