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Sermon Illustrations about Discrimination

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Discrimination to help bring your sermon to life.

Airline Customers Crave Elite Status Rewards

Bonnie Crawford was in danger of missing a connecting flight for a board meeting last week when a United Airlines customer-service rep saved the day. ...

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Wrongly Executed Black Soldiers Get Justice

More than a century ago, 110 Black soldiers were convicted of murder, mutiny, and other crimes at three military trials held at Fort Sam Houston in San ...

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The Creation of a ‘Beloved Community’

In Raymond Arsenault’s biography of John Lewis, he recounts Lewis’s mentors and their shared vision of “the Beloved Community.” ...

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Bias Uncovered in Kids’ Marshmallow Test

Suzanne Gaskins is a psychologist with a background working with indigenous children in Mexico. She wanted to test their capacity for delayed gratification, ...

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DOJ Blames Software Algorithm for Rent Hikes

The U.S. Department of Justice has filed suit against Texas company RealPage, alleging that the company violated the Sherman Antitrust Act by enabling ...

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Oldest Man in Space Realizes Dream Deferred

“What happens to a dream deferred?” That opening line from Harlem renaissance poet Langston Hughes has resonated with generations of African ...

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The Human Library

In the spring of 2000, a unique library was established in Copenhagen, Denmark. It's called the Menneskebiblioteket, which is Danish for, “The ...

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Worker Sues Google for Discrimination

For years, Jalon Hall was touted as a bright spot for Google’s reputation for diversity. Hall is an African American deaf woman, and had been highlighted ...

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Are You an Illuminator or Diminisher?

I’ve noticed along the way of life that some people are much better at seeing people than others are. In any collection of humans, there are diminishers ...

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Restaurant Closes Due to Biased Complaint

The northeast Portland location of Pho Gabo, a family-owned Vietnamese restaurant, was forced to close after the restaurant received an anonymous complaint ...

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