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Sermon Illustrations about Entertainment

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Entertainment to help bring your sermon to life.

Man Finds Freedom from TV Hypnosis

A man from Scotland noticed positive changes in his lifestyle after he decided to stop watching television in the evening. 41-year-old Stephen Clarke ...

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Parents Ignore Advice on Screen Time for Children

Parents are bombarded with a dizzying list of orders when it comes to screen time and young children: No screens for babies under 18 months. Limit screens ...

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Stop Watching Mean People in Videos

Here's the conclusion from a study published in the journal Aggressive Behavior: Watching TV programs about mean people can make you a mean person. ...

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Tiktok’s Addictive Algorithm

A study of YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook revealed that American Teens—by a large margin—use YouTube (71%) more than TikTok ...

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The Behemoth of Fantasy Sports

How's your fantasy team shaping up? A recent Statista article takes stock of the United States' growing fantasy sports phenomenon. ESPN, DraftKings, ...

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Navigating the Clutter of the Information Age

New York Times Columnist Ezra Klein notes his theory why the Internet feels “so crummy” these days. It puts us into “shame closets.” ...

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Education Employees Steal Trips from Homeless Youth

A report released by the New York City public school district alleges that school employees misused funds intended for homeless students' enrichment ...

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When the Internet Comes to Remote Amazon Tribes

As the village speeches dragged on, eyes drifted to screens. Teenagers scrolled Instagram. One man texted his girlfriend. And men crowded around a phone ...

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Is Facebook More Addictive Than Cigarettes?

An article on Vice starts with an intriguing question:

You know the feeling. A sort of internal itch … Wouldn't it be nice to see what my friends ...

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Gen Z's World Is an Alternate Tech Reality

In his book The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing An Epidemic of Mental Illness, Jonathan Haidt tells the story of what ...

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