Sermon Illustrations about Extravagance
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Extravagance to help bring your sermon to life.
The World’s Most Expensive Meals
Fine dining typically means splurging a little for high-quality meat or fresh seafood. But what if money were truly no object?
Restaurant owners and chefs ...
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The Wedding Business Misses the Point
A beautiful wedding does not a wonderful marriage make. We know that and yet many couples get drawn into the business of weddings and the price tag can ...
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People Spending Money on Luxuries for Pets
Pets these days are living more luxurious lives than ever as humans increasingly pour money into making their properties fetching for nonhuman family ...
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Popular Instagram Account Exposes Extravagant Preachers
Out of curiosity Ben Kirby started watching worship songs on YouTube and identified many of the leaders and preachers as wearing sneakers worth from $800 ...
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Woman Receives 1000 Percent Tip
A suburban Chicago woman was left stunned over the summer when one of her patrons left a combined tip of over 1,000%. Nicole Thompson, a teacher who worked ...
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Ever Wonder How To Spend $1 Billion On A Wedding?
Ever wonder how to spend a $1 billion on a wedding? Hint: include Jennifer Lopez. A couple in Moscow took [the] notion of a lavish wedding ceremony to ...
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Emphasizing the Wedding Day over the Marriage
Even in the midst of an economic crisis, the average couple spends $3,215 on an engagement ring and $2,036 on wedding bands. Author Laura Vanderkam uses ...
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Pampered Puppy
Ronald Warwick, captain of the luxury cruise ship Queen Elizabeth II, questioned a passenger who paid full fare for his dog to join them on an around-the-world ...
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The Million-Dollar Priorities Mix-Up
Regarding the latest multimillion-dollar sports contracts. ... It is amazing to me how screwed up the priorities in this country have become. Think of ...
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