Sermon Illustrations about Humility
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Humility to help bring your sermon to life.
Airline Customers Crave Elite Status Rewards
Bonnie Crawford was in danger of missing a connecting flight for a board meeting last week when a United Airlines customer-service rep saved the day. ...
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Humble People Are More Helpful
It's always interesting listening to some folks who are trying to make sense of Christian virtues. For example, The Journal of Positive Psychology ...
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From Dog’s Assistant to Company VP
Bonnie Hammer started her career in 1974 as a bottom-rung production assistant to the top of NBC Universal’s headquarters. As of 2024 she had become ...
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Best Solution for Dark Circles Under Eyes
An article in The New York Times explored the following scenario. Perhaps this routine sounds familiar: You wake up, look in the mirror and scrutinize ...
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Don’t Do the Silent Treatment
Life for a 19th-century sailor was hard: Months at sea were accompanied by constant danger and deprivation. To make matters worse, mariners saw the same ...
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Child Hears ‘Monsters’ in Bedroom
Ashley Class was initially unconcerned when her oldest child complained about monsters in her room. Ashley said, “She was saying she heard monsters ...
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‘Dirty Jobs’ Turned into Meaningful Callings
When a researcher started interviewing hospital workers—the people who cleaned out the patients’ rooms each day she assumed they would only ...
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Army General Understands Everyone Is Accountable
Military policeman Danny Brown was working at the massive Fort Jackson Army Base in Columbia, South Carolina when late at night he saw a truck going 13 ...
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Drunk Driver Reports Himself to Police
When police in North Yorkshire, UK arrested a man for drunk driving, their social media post announcing the arrest revealed a surprising source of intel ...
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The De-moralization of American Culture
In his article “How America Got Mean,” David Brooks laments what he calls “the de-moralization of American culture.” Brooks notes ...
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