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Sermon Illustrations about Legalism

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Legalism to help bring your sermon to life.

Don’t Think About Elephants

The 2010 movie Inception is a James Bond-like thriller in which a group of people enter another person’s dream (and dreams within dreams) to plant ...

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Increasingly Teenagers Report 'Overwhelming Anxiety'

Anxiety has overtaken depression as the most common reason college students seek counseling services. In its annual survey of students, the American College ...

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French Chef Quits Restaurant Rating System

For over 100 years Michelin has not only produced high-quality auto tires but also the premiere guide to fine dining. Achieving or losing even one star ...

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The Two-Year-Old Litterbug in Washington D.C.

Two-year-old Harper Westover lives in Washington, D.C.—her parents "insist she's just the tidiest, most polite, and well-behaved toddler ...

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Getting Rid of the 'Kicker' In the Good News

Steve Brown writes:

I once asked a Jewish friend to forgive the church and me for [how the church has sometimes hurt] Jews in the name of Christ. I waited ...

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Actor Ben Affleck Reflects on Our Brokenness

In an interview in The New York Times, award-winning actor Ben Affleck reflected on the pressure to hide our broken areas. When he watches other movies ...

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The Law Can't Set Us Free to Play

Imagine you are twelve years old again, and you love baseball. All your heroes are baseball players, all your extracurricular time is spent either with ...

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Married to 'Mr. Law' or 'Mr. Grace'?

We were married to Mr. Law. He was a good man, in his way, but he did not understand our weakness. He came home every evening and asked, "So, how ...

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Experiment Shows How the Law Leads to Sin

Robert Cialdini, a researcher and an expert on the theory of persuasion, conducted an experiment at the Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona. The ...

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The United States of Metrics

A New York Times article observes that Americans measure everything. It says, "In the last few years, there has been a revolution so profound that ...

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