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Sermon Illustrations about Legalism

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Legalism to help bring your sermon to life.

Gadgets Nag Us to Change Behavior

No matter how hard we try we just can't seem to shed our need to live by law rather than grace. An article in The Wall Street Journal explored the ...

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Frank Lloyd Wright on Paying Attention

The renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright once told of an incident that perhaps seemed insignificant at the time, but had a profound influence on the ...

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A List of Ridiculous Product Warning Labels

Many American manufacturers are going to great lengths to protect themselves from getting sued. As a result, many companies now include stunningly obvious ...

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Director Forces Actor to Act like Jesus

In 1927 the director Cecil B. DeMille cast British-born actor H. B. Warner as Jesus in his famous silent film King of Kings. Warner, who 19 years later ...

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Young Woman Knows about Morality but Not the Gospel

The primary reason the majority of kids from Christian homes stray from the faith is that they never really heard it or had it to begin with …. ...

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Helium Balloon Demonstrates Our Life in Christ

To illustrate how the beauty and majesty of God can cause our hearts to desire him more than we desire sin, J. D. Greer writes:

Think of [our relationship ...

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Policies Prevent Firefighters from Saving Drowning Man

In June, 2011, the city of Alemeda, California, immediately changed its policies after first responders stood by and watched a man drown in San Francisco ...

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The Green Police

One of the more popular TV ads during the 2010 Super Bowl was sponsored by Audi and takes a poke at the imaginary "green police" out of control. ...

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Brett Favre on Pressure to Perform

You're only as good as your last pass.

—Brett Favre, holder of many NFL passing records, three-time MVP, and 10-time all-pro, Super Bowl XXXI ...

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St. Francis's Extreme Embrace of Poverty

Among his many virtues, [St. Francis of Assisi] is known for his passionate embrace of poverty. Not only did he forbid his emerging Order to own property, ...

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