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Sermon Illustrations about Rebuke

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Rebuke to help bring your sermon to life.

Brutally Honest Rejection Letters

The website Business Insider ran an article titled "7 Brutally Honest Job Rejection Letters." Here are two examples of how not to confront someone. ...

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Business Leader Elicits Brutally Honest Feedback

After interviewing business leaders at over 100 companies, the authors of a Harvard Business Review article concluded: "Smart leaders today … ...

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Older Rabbi Remembers a Stronger Communal Life

In Mitch Albom's book Have a Little Faith, he recounts the following conversation with his elderly rabbi:

"When I was growing up in the Bronx," ...

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Abraham Lincoln Confronts His Step-brother about Debt

In 1850, Abraham Lincoln's step-brother, John D. Johnston, wrote to him and asked, yet again, for a loan so he could settle some debts. On previous ...

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Two Football Coaches and Two Approaches to Motivation

Mike Howerton describes how different were the motivational methods of the two men who coached his high school football team—Coach Crow and Coach ...

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Son Asks His Father's Help to Avoid the Darkness

One weekend, author Paul Tripp gave his teenage son permission to spend the weekend at a friend's house. But during the weekend Paul received a call ...

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Actions of One Soldier Affect Everyone in the Platoon

For fifteen months journalist Sebastian Junger followed a single platoon of U.S. soldiers stationed in a dangerous part of Afghanistan. Living and working ...

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Dealing with Conflict After 60 Years of Marriage

In a 2011 Leadership Journal article, Gordon MacDonald shares the moving story about his friends Dr. Paul and Edith Rees. When the Rees's were in ...

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An Act of Tough Love Changes an Employee’s Life

Christian businessman and author John D. Beckett shares the following personal story about the redemptive power of speaking the truth in love:

I was in ...

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Wesley’s High Standard for Methodists

John Wesley lived a disciplined life and was not afraid to hold other Methodists to a similar standard. His journal gives the impression that he spent ...

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