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Sermon Illustrations about Responsibility

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Responsibility to help bring your sermon to life.

Murder Suspect Freed Via Typo

Authorities say that, due to a clerical error, a suspected murderer was released from county jail, but he’s now safely back behind bars.

A warrant ...

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Teaching Personal Responsibility Over Victimhood

In an article for The National Review researchers Wendy Wang and Brad Wilcox reveal the irrefutable evidence for instilling in youth the values of personal ...

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Road Signs Warn Drivers Using Phones

Tim Hogan is the founder and CEO SaferStreet Solutions, a development firm focusing on improving traffic safety and reducing pedestrian deaths. For years, ...

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Boeing Fails Federal Quality Audit

In March of 2024, aviation manufacturer Boeing announced changes to their internal processes after failing a safety audit by the Federal Aviation Administration ...

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Faulty Work Nearly Causes Airplane Crash

First, there was a pop. And then a big bang. Air loudly whooshed out of the side of the airplane, which was flying at 16,000 feet with an emergency exit ...

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How AI Short-Circuits Creativity

In 2023 the ad agency Design Army created an entire campaign using only generative AI. In it, a world of impossible buildings, floating hats, and gigantic ...

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Army General Understands Everyone Is Accountable

Military policeman Danny Brown was working at the massive Fort Jackson Army Base in Columbia, South Carolina when late at night he saw a truck going 13 ...

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Judge Admonishes Defendant in Reckless Killing

Judge Michelini said to the defendant, “You just don’t get it. It’s obvious to me that you feel justified. You don’t take any ...

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Gate Agent’s Minor Mix-Up

It’s never a good thing for an airline to send a passenger on the wrong plane, especially when that passenger is a child. The six-year-old was supposed ...

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Greeting Neighbors Maximizes Your Wellbeing

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, haven’t you heard? Mister Rogers said so—and now his simple advice on how to be a good person ...

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