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Sermon Illustrations about Spiritual Perception

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Spiritual Perception to help bring your sermon to life.

The Whispering Gallery

Hidden acoustic wonders called “whispering walls” have awed listeners since ancient times. The field of “archaeo-acoustics” studies ...

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Transit Agency Unveils Giant Thumb Tack

When the local public transportation agency in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, received a federal grant to refurbish their headquarters, they wanted to call ...

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Blind Leading the Blind

Have you ever heard about "The Ant Death Spiral"? A fascinating NPR article describes this phenomenon. A particular species of army ant is utterly ...

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God and Dreams While We Sleep

R. Douglas Fields writes about the vigorous activity of the brain during sleep:

Midway between our unconscious and conscious minds there is the altered ...

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Only One Woman Recognized Famous Violinist

There’s a well-known story about a famous violinist who took his $3.5 million Stradivarius onto a platform of a Washington DC subway and started ...

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Guidance - More than a Feeling

Watson Thornton was already serving as a missionary in Japan when he decided to join the Japan Evangelistic Band. He decided to travel to the town where ...

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NASA Orbiter Exploded Based on Wrong Assumption

On December 11, 1998, NASA launched the Mars Climate Orbiter. It was a highly advanced piece of technology that cost $327 million. The data it gathered ...

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Black Hole Discovery: Scientists See the ‘Unseeable’

In May 2022 astronomers announced an extraordinary discovery. They claimed they had pierced the veil of darkness and dust at the center of our Milky Way ...

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Quit Lying to Yourself

No one wants to be seen as a liar. Liars are considered untrustworthy. And yet, we are perfectly content to lie to ourselves all the time. “I’ll ...

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God’s Good Compass

It's significant that in Scripture, wisdom is often associated with a path. Are you going in the right direction? Are you veering off the path? Do ...

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