Sermon Illustrations about Spiritual Perception
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Spiritual Perception to help bring your sermon to life.
Robocalls in Cahoots with Phone Company Spark Outrage
Industry insiders are lamenting the difficulty of tracking down bad actors in the internet telephony space. Recently, Globex Telecom was forced to pay ...
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Being Guided Through Prayer
In the book The Cross and the Switchblade, Pastor David Wilkerson mentions the time he was going through a period of restlessness in his spirit. Although ...
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When the Alarm Clock Was a Person
There once was a time people were awakened, not by a cell phone or even an alarm clock, but by a “knocker-upper.” For many workers in early ...
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Inmate Claimed His Life Sentence Ended When He Died and Was Revived
Benjamin Schreiber is very much alive. But that hasn’t stopped him from arguing that he died four years ago. After the convicted murderer collapsed ...
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Godly Decisions Determine our Destiny
In 1943, a young pastor was offered the opportunity to take over a popular Gospel Radio program called Songs in the Night. Since the cost of keeping the ...
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Blind Songwriter Visualized Christ's Glory
One of the most prolific songwriters in the history of Christianity has been Fanny Crosby, who wrote over 9,000 spiritual songs. Crosby was blinded in ...
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Excited Young Concertgoer Invited Back as Special Guest
A nine-year-old boy whose expression of amazement sparked applause and a viral video sensation has since been invited back by the orchestra as a special ...
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People Did Not Recognize In-Person Celebrity
A few years ago, The Edge, U2's guitarist, took his son out trick-or-treating in L.A. Both The Edge and his son dressed in The Edge's trademark ...
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A Woman’s Perseverance in the Face of Denial
In the late 1980’s Gayla Benefield worked in a small town in Montana reading the meters of every house for the local utility company. She noticed ...
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Biggest Millennial Struggle? Decision Fatigue
Tess Brigham, a licensed psychotherapist, specializes in treating those in the millennial generation. It wasn’t her decision; they just came flocking ...
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