Sermon Illustrations about Spiritual Perception
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Spiritual Perception to help bring your sermon to life.
A Light on the Stairs
Singer-song-writer Sandra McCracken writes in an issue of CT magazine:
I live in an old house. Along with the charms of age, this old house has some surprises. ...
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15th-Century Ming Dynasty Bowl Discovered at Yard Sale
A small bowl bought for just $35 at a yard sale in Connecticut has turned out to be a rare 15th-Century Chinese artefact. The white porcelain bowl was ...
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Why Are People Getting Worse at ‘The Price Is Right’?
Americans are worse at The Price Is Right than they used to be. On the game show, which has been running since 1972, four contestants are asked to guess ...
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Beethoven and the Gift of Silence
In 1801, at the age of 30, Ludwig van Beethoven complained about his diminishing hearing: “From a distance I do not hear the high notes of the instruments ...
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An Early Earthquake Warning System
As of May, 2021, the US earthquake early warning system can issue earthquake alerts to cellphone users in California, Oregon, and Washington. The MyShake ...
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Jeff Goldblum Turned Down Call to Be the Voice of Siri
You know him as the smart, nerdy dude from Jurassic Park and Independence Day. But if things had turned out differently, Hollywood actor Jeff Goldblum ...
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Elvis Loses Elvis Impersonator Contest
Elvis Presley used to frequent Lil Thompson’s Steakhouse in Tennessee. He was good friends with the owner who used to give him free food before ...
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Angels Help COVID-19 Patient
Pastor and author Craig Brian Larson writes:
In January, 2021, as the coronavirus continued to spread, we received concerning news from a family in our ...
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Seeing Isn’t Always Believing
The radio program, This American Life, tells the story about the late writer David Rakoff, who had a hard time believing what was right in front of his ...
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No Seat for the CEO
Pastor Kevin Miller writes:
One year when I was working in publishing, we had our annual staff Christmas Party. There were about 150 people in the room ...
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