Sermon Illustrations about Wholehearted devotion
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Wholehearted devotion to help bring your sermon to life.
Legendary Cricketer Answers God’s Call
Legendary West Indian fast bowler Sir Wesley Hall was a strongly-built, larger than life cricketer who played international cricket between 1958 to 1969. ...
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How Multitasking Messes with Your Prayer Life
An article on the website First Things advocates one simple way to improve your prayer life—stop multitasking. David Ousley writes:
Multitasking ...
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Missionary Martyrs Chose Not to ‘Cut and Run’
From boyhood, Davy Lloyd dreamed of nothing else but dedicating his life to the orphanage his parents had operated in Haiti since 2000.
He had grown up ...
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New Relationships Trend — ‘Situationships’
Canadian professor and researcher, Beverly Fehr conducted a research study on love and commitment. It was very simple. She had two equivalent groups. ...
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What Makes New Habits Stick?
A landmark study by researchers in the UK found that simple health habits, such as eating a piece of fruit with lunch or running for 15 minutes before ...
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Top Countries that Persecuted Christians in 2024
Almost 5,000 Christians were killed for their faith in 2023. Almost 4,000 were abducted. Nearly 15,000 churches were attacked or closed. And more than ...
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Church Uses Farm Land to Give to Missions
When people at Onecho Bible Church talk about “the mission field,” they mean the many places around the world where Christians are sharing ...
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Professor Put Clues to Cash Prize in Syllabus
Kenyon Wilson, a professor at the University of Tennessee, wanted to test whether any of his students fully read the syllabus for his music seminar. Of ...
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The Ending Is More Important Than the Beginning
In their book The Power of Moments, Chip and Dan Heath describe an experiment in which participants underwent three painful trials. In the first, they ...
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Giving Our Final Days to God
Kim Kuo tells of the 10-year-long battle her late husband, David, had with terminal cancer. David was the former deputy director of the White House Office ...
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