Sermon Illustrations about Work & Career
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Work & Career to help bring your sermon to life.
Building Cabinets for the Glory of God
Forty years ago, Steve Bell began building cabinets in his garage. Those humble beginnings have grown over the decades into Bellmont Cabinet Co., an award-winning ...
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Woman Learns Empathy the Hard Way
A woman in Ohio who threw a burrito bowl at a Chipotle worker and was convicted of assault has been sentenced to an unusual punishment that includes working ...
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The End of Work Spouses and Office Besties
A lot of things about work that we long took for granted have changed for good, as we settle into our remote and hybrid reality. While many of us are ...
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Politics Had Become Her Idol
In an issue of CT magazine, Carrie Sheffield shares how politics had become an idol to her and how she discovered a deeper source of purpose and meaning ...
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Why Are People Never Happy?
An insightful Aperture video reveals the sad reality that our happiness, or lack of, is always at a regular baseline. It only fluctuates slightly despite ...
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‘Dirty Jobs’ Turned into Meaningful Callings
When a researcher started interviewing hospital workers—the people who cleaned out the patients’ rooms each day she assumed they would only ...
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Boeing Fails Federal Quality Audit
In March of 2024, aviation manufacturer Boeing announced changes to their internal processes after failing a safety audit by the Federal Aviation Administration ...
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Worker Sues Google for Discrimination
For years, Jalon Hall was touted as a bright spot for Google’s reputation for diversity. Hall is an African American deaf woman, and had been highlighted ...
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Realistically Nurturing Your Talents
How often do we as parents imagine our children playing a professional sport? Whether it is swimming, gymnastics, college football, or basketball, there ...
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Only 13% Are Actively Engaged at Work
Gallup once polled people in 142 countries to respond to a series of statements designed to measure employee engagement—involving matters like their ...
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