Skill Builders
Delivery: Part 1: Workshops
1. In our first reading, Jeffrey Arthurs probes the critical importance of emotion in delivery, noting, "Effective heralds demonstrate that the truth has gripped them and that it should grip the listeners." Jeffrey is dean of the chapel and associate professor of preaching at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. Click Place of Pathos in Preaching. |
5. As an associate professor of communications at Northwestern University, Robert Parkinson comes at the subject of sermon delivery from a broad perspective. In this audio workshop, Bob focuses on the relationship between delivery and believability. Listen to How Delivery Enhances Credibility. |
2. One challenge of preaching is bottling up the emotions we feel strongly on the inside and releasing them to our hearers during the sermon. Kevin Miller, author and executive editor of Preaching Today, shares his experience in an audio workshop titled Getting Your Intensity Across. |
6. An authentic delivery flows from who we are. We can't just memorize an outline; we must ready the soul to preach. Read Preparing the Messenger by North Central University President Gordon Anderson. |
3. In our next reading, author and speaker Fred Smith—a longtime contributing editor to Leadership journal—gives practical advice on the proper use of voice and gestures. In his article How to Be Heard, read only points four and five: "Making my voice inconspicuous" and "Using gestures effectively." |
7. Bert Decker, an author in the communication field, discusses important mechanics of delivery in the audio workshop Delivery Skills. |
4. Author and preacher Calvin Miller says there are three sources of a commanding delivery. To learn about them, read Projecting Your Voice. |
8. After listening to thousands of sermons as former editor of Preaching Today, Craig Brian Larson noticed some common traits of engaging preachers. These traits have much to do with effective delivery. Read Holding Hearers Captive. |
Introduction | Part 1: Workshops | Part 2: Examples of Excellent Sermon Delivery
Part 3: Self-Evaluation | Part 4: Want More?