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Delivery: Part 3: Self-Evaluation

How do I speak in a way that arrests hearers?


Probably the single most fruitful discipline for improving delivery is to evaluate your own over an extended period of time. We suggest your evaluation proceed in three stages:

1. For two or three months, review the audio of your sermon weekly. Note strengths and weaknesses. Then focus each week on one area for improvement until headway is made. In addition, practice improving your delivery in private.

2. Then, for several months, video-record your sermon each week and follow the same procedure.

3. Finally, have two or three people give feedback on your delivery. Continue to focus on only one area for improvement each week.

Well, that brings us to the end of this class. We hope you have found it rewarding, and have begun to see your strengths enhanced and some of your weaknesses overcome. In addition, we hope you have a clearer vision for the uniqueness of your own style of delivery, and a sense of confidence in who God has made you to be.

Introduction | Part 1: Workshops | Part 2: Examples of Excellent Sermon Delivery
Part 3: Self-Evaluation | Part 4: Want More?

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How do I speak in a way that arrests hearers?