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Sermon Illustrations about Luxury

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Luxury to help bring your sermon to life.

The World’s Most Expensive Meals

Fine dining typically means splurging a little for high-quality meat or fresh seafood. But what if money were truly no object?

Restaurant owners and chefs ...

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Billionaire Sues After Getting Trapped in His Own Elevator

Palmer Luckey, is a billionaire tech entrepreneur who founded Oculus and parlayed that fortune into a career as a Silicon Valley defense contractor. Luckey ...

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Airline Customers Crave Elite Status Rewards

Bonnie Crawford was in danger of missing a connecting flight for a board meeting last week when a United Airlines customer-service rep saved the day. ...

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New Scents to Brighten Your Day

Giant companies that study us in hopes of unearthing insights that can help them sell more potato chips, laundry detergent, and lipstick have reached ...

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Top 5 People Most Likely to Reach Trillionaire Status

On Sept. 29, 1916, newspapers across the country announced a wealth milestone once thought to be unreachable: the world’s first billionaire. “Standard ...

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Isolated Tribes Find Happiness Beyond Materialism

People living in remote Indigenous communities are as happy as those in wealthy developed countries despite having “very little money,” according ...

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Where Your Treasure Is

Susan Mettes, Associate Editor at CT magazine, writes:

I have a clear early memory of first learning to ride a bike. When I had finally found enough balance ...

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The Wedding Business Misses the Point

A beautiful wedding does not a wonderful marriage make. We know that and yet many couples get drawn into the business of weddings and the price tag can ...

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People Spending Money on Luxuries for Pets

Pets these days are living more luxurious lives than ever as humans increasingly pour money into making their properties fetching for nonhuman family ...

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Historic Rise in Debt Among Younger Adults

A Wall Street Journal article begins with this story about the increased debt load many Americans are carrying:

Danielle Smith and her family thought they ...

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