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Sermon Illustrations about Reputation

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Reputation to help bring your sermon to life.

Airline Customers Crave Elite Status Rewards

Bonnie Crawford was in danger of missing a connecting flight for a board meeting last week when a United Airlines customer-service rep saved the day. ...

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Famous Singer Can’t Stop Proving His Worth

David Crosby, the lead singer for Crosby, Stills and Nash., became one of the most successful rock musicians of all time. But even at nearly 80 years ...

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Top 5 People Most Likely to Reach Trillionaire Status

On Sept. 29, 1916, newspapers across the country announced a wealth milestone once thought to be unreachable: the world’s first billionaire. “Standard ...

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Baseball Card Nets $7.2m Due to Name

Sportswriter Jason Gay wrote an article about a rare baseball card of the famous Babe Ruth.

At first glance, it looked like an ordinary, unexceptional, ...

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Study Concludes ‘Masculine’ Is a Negative Term

Researcher and author Rodney Reeves has been studying trends in how men are faring in America. Here’s how he summarizes one of his troubling statistics: ...

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What Do You Want on Your Tombstone?

Some years ago, a frozen pizza company was trying to figure out an advertising campaign to bring attention to their product. They designed a series of ...

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Cop Caught Lying in Court 44 Times

From 2015 through mid-2022, Jeffrey Kriv received 51 tickets, but paid only two. Kriv had become adept at beating his tickets in court by telling a particular ...

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The History of the Term ‘Toxic Masculinity’

In his book Of Boys and Men, researcher Richard Reeves notes that until around 2015, the phrase “toxic masculinity” was just mentioned a few ...

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Marathon Runner Changes His Name to ‘Christian’

Pastor Bryan Chapell writes in his recent book Grace at Work:

I have a friend who's a marathon runner. He was in a race a few years ago that he knew ...

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Legendary MLB Announcer Thanks God

“It’s time for Dodger baseball … Hi everybody and a very pleasant good evening to you, wherever you may be.”

That was the opening ...

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